Monday, November 15, 2010

Plus ça change plus c'est la même...

For more than forty years my business has specialized in individual, customized European driving vacations and I have seen my share of change in the travel world.  When I first started out we made reservations by 'telex' and wore our very best suits on trans-Atlantic flights.  I have seen the business transform and change in ways I could hardly imagine (such as Internet blogging!).  But as the title of this entry suggests the more things change- the more they remain the same.  Whether it is the timeless perfection of the French dining experience, the view of the Mediterranean from the winding roads of the Cinque Terre or the castles of the Rhine- the wonder of Europe never ceases to amaze.  It is that ability to amaze the traveler year after year, decade after decade, century after century- that will never change.

I have always preferred the 'open road' and the freedom that driving in Europe affords. I have spent the better part of four decades exploring Europe by car and creating unique, individualized itineraries for travelers who wish to explore the beauty and uniqueness of Europe on their own terms.

These days I am focusing on my driving guides to Europe and sharing my knowledge with travelers who are looking for their own authentic European experience. Welcome to the Open Road!


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